Monthly Archives: June 2012

Fashion Friday

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Accessories and Unsolicited Advice

I am anything, but a graceful person.

I run into walls all the time, stub my toes and say stupid things. I am that person in the movie that  just keeps talking during the silence, making you cringe and hide your face in your sofa at their awkwardness.

My husband says that 90% of my awkward moments are self-induced.

Last weekend, I ran into my son’s doctor. I went to give him a hug without thinking, because I’m a hugger.

Well, he didn’t recognize me right away and stuck his hand out to shake mine, all the while being taken completely aback by this crazy, hugging person and it was well…


So…here is my completely unsolicited advice for you. When approaching acquaintances or professionals (especially ones involved in your children’s health), SHAKE THEIR HAND.

The memory of this has haunted me all week, so I’m hoping to save some of you from making the same mistake. If there were Awkward Olympics, I would definitely be getting a gold medal in the hug/handshake debacle event. Bleh.

On another topic, let’s talk accessories.

I used to own a couple necklaces and earrings, but never remembered to wear them. It wasn’t until a couple years ago that I realized what a HUGE difference accessories can make on an outfit.

You could have a plain white tee and jeans, but then put on a long gold chain necklace and all of a sudden you looked like your outfit was planned.

A piece of jewelry has the ability to pull an outfit together.

And don’t forget a good headband or scarf. Try wearing a black tank top with a delicate headband, bright colored scarf and a jean skirt and I can guarantee you will get compliments.

SO, two reminders for today:

1. Don’t forget to use the accessories you own or go buy new pieces.


2. Leave the hugging to close friends. (Lesson learned.)

This is the angle you get when your photographer is three years old.

Happy Friday! 🙂

Fashion Friday

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Oh the possibilities…

When I was in elementary school, I remember in math they would give us four or so numbers and have us write down all the combinations there could be. For example, 4-2-8-1, could make 4-2-1-8 and 2-4-8-1, etc.

It wasn’t for another year that they taught us multiplication and the “easy” way to figure the answer out.

(My father, the math teacher, will appreciate this blog post. Heehee.)

That’s why I love fashion. There are so many combinations that can be made.

I own a lot of clothes, but only enough to sometimes spill out of fill half of a closet and a dresser with my husband. Not that I mind repeating outfits, but making up new outfits is so much more fun that I rarely do.

Here are some ideas to easily change up an outfit:

-layer skirts or layer a skirt under a dress (see the last pic…this works really well on dresses that have shrunk)

-wear a shirt over a dress (like a sleeveless one)

-button & belt a cardigan instead of a shirt

-try different color combos

-roll up your jeans

-tuck in or pull out a shirt from your waistline

And never forget…

-change up your shoes and/or accessories (more on that later).

Now go make some new and fun outfits!

Happy Friday! 🙂

Is it that obvious?

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The other day I was driving home from Orange County, so I decided to stop at my favorite thrift store. Because it is a good 45 minutes away from my house, I only get to shop there when I’m “in the area” (although I have made MANY a trip up there JUST to shop…heehee).

So, I had looked online and it said they closed at 9:00pm, but when I walked in at 7:45, the store employee called to me and said, “Just so you know, we close in fifteen minutes.”

I looked at him in a panic and gasped. “Online it said you were open until 9?!!”

He laughed and replied, “You can’t trust anything online.”

Then he walked up to me and added…

“But you are a professional shopper, so fifteen minutes is plenty of time.”

How did he know? 😉