Monthly Archives: April 2013

Sign Me Up For Rehab

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blazer dress collage 1

blazer dress collage 2

(Earrings: Goodwill  Dress: Sweet Serendipity  Blazer: GAP  Belt: Plato’s Closet  Shoes: Plato’s Closet)

I have an addiction. Like no joke, I am in way over my head and can’t stop. I am completely addicted to…wait for it…sugar. I keep telling myself, “Rena, you should go without sugar until June” and then two seconds later I drink a milkshake, like the previous brain convo with myself didn’t even happen. I did paleo for about three weeks a little while back and did great, but as soon as I stopped, I went off the deep end. I am consuming sugary products like I’m going to die tomorrow. There is a bag of chocolate chip cookies in my kitchen right now and they are calling to me. They are kryptonite to my Superman. And just so you know, I could totally rock a cape. 😉 How do I stop?!??!

Don’t Judge A Book By It’s Cover

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I love thrifting. No, more than love…I’m a little obsessed. I could go every day and never get tired of it. I don’t buy something every time I go, but it is über therapeutic to skim over clothes and look at so many different styles/eras of fashion in one place.

The best is when you find something “ugly” and give it new life.

I found this dress that I felt like had good bones, although I think my sister threw up in her mouth when she had to look at it while taking my picture. She really didn’t like it.

photo 2

I had originally planned on shortening the sleeves and the hem of the skirt and modernizing the look.

Then I woke up and remembered that I have 2% skills in the DIY/sewing category and decided to just turn it into a midi skirt. Fortunately the waist line is elasticized, so all I had to do was cut above it to make a skirt.

photo 1

It is pretty sheer, so I have to wear it with a slip. The top also has a frayed finish to it, so I can’t tuck in a shirt. I someday hope to nice-ify it, but remember my DIY-lacking skills.

Despite that, I turned this dated, slightly funky dress into a trendy midi-skirt.

So, when you’re thrifting, make sure to #1-call me first so I can join you and #2-don’t quickly pass on something that might be “ugly”.

Happy Fashion Friday!

Well This Is Awkward…

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orange dress collage 1 orange skirt collage 2(Headband: no clue  Jacket: Old Navy  Necklace: Goodwill (JCrew)  Dress: Old Navy  Shoes: HandMeDowns)

This morning I was in the middle of washing my face and I bumped my eye. I didn’t injure myself, but I hit it at just the right angle that I knocked my contact out of my eye. I look down to see it laying there in the sink, precariously close to the running water. So there I am with a sopping wet, soapy face and only one good eye. Needless to say it made for an incredibly awkward situation. Long story short, I was able to dry my hands off and save my contact before it took a long ride down my household plumbing. Who needs coffee when a jolt of adrenaline will wake you right up? 😉