Category Archives: Beauty

Deep Condition Your Hair With Coconut Oil


My hair sometimes gets dry and brittle and needs a little extra attention. When this happens, I deep condition it with coconut oil. It’s cheap and easy to do. All you need is some coconut oil and a shower cap. You could also use a towel and blow dryer. (continue reading over at Life As Mom…)

Curl Your Hair in Five Minutes

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Now this post will seem silly to all you curly-haired ladies out there, but learning this little trick has revolutionized my morning routine. I love how I look with curly hair, but it always takes forever. Well not anymore! Here is how you can be date/work ready in only 5 minutes! (continue reading at Life is Mom)

6 Easy Hairstyles To Do While Running Out The Door

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I know how it is to run out of the house and realize that you haven’t brushed your hair…or your children’s hair for that matter. (Maybe there’s a reason God has blessed me with little boys….)

I also know how tempting it is to hit the snooze button two, okay…five times before you’re rushing out the door with only enough time to make sure you have the same shoes on. But I know that any outfit, no matter what you have on, will look that much more spectacular if you have your hair done.

Here are six easy hairstyles that can make you look incredibly put together, but only take a couple minutes to accomplish. [Continue reading over at…]