Monthly Archives: September 2014

Hablo Espanol




(Necklace: instagram shop  Shirt: thrifted  Dress: Target  Shoes: thrifted-BCBG)

I took Spanish for four years in high school, three years in college and have traveled to Mexico quite a bit. Plus I live in Southern California, so there is Spanish around me every day. But whenever I’m confronted with an opportunity to speak Spanish with someone, I totally clam up. My brain shuts off, I forget all my vocabulary and verb tenses and I’m just afraid that I will look stupid?! What’s with that?! I really want to be fluent in Spanish and be able to use it, but that’s never going to happen if I never practice. Grr. At least I can speak enough to convince my students that I am fluent, so that they don’t cuss at me or talk about me to each other right in front of me. 😉

And don’t forget to send me a pic at for the “blouse over dress” challenge! You have until this Friday!

Try To Fit Me In A Box





(Earrings: birthday gift  Shirt: Target  Skirt:  Belt: Plato’s Closet  Shoes: thrifted)

I am a tad bit obsessed with personality quizzes. Okay, so I’m obsessed with quizzes in general, but today I’m gonna focus on the Enneagram personality test. Have you heard of it before? Basically it breaks down personality types into nine interconnected personality types. It has been used in workplaces for human relations or you can use it for your own personal development. I feel like my personality is always easy to figure out and I easily “fit in a box”, but it’s fun to see what it says. I suggest you take the quiz here and then read about the three that you scored the most in and read about those to determine which number you are. Can you guess which number I am?

So Fat Thighs Aren’t Cute?!





(Earrings: Costco  Necklace:  Shirt: garage sale  Dress: clothing exchange  Shoes: Birkenstocks)

I’d really like to know at which point things that are SO CUTE when you are an infant become not cute. For example, my four-month-old has squishy, perfect thighs and people constantly comment on how they “want to pinch them”. Well, I’ll tell you, my thighs are every level of squishy as my baby’s, but nobody has ever told me they want to pinch them. In fact, I’m pretty sure they’d like me to just keep them covered up. Ha! Also, why are onesies and footie pajamas not cool when you’re an adult?! How nice if we could wear some footie pajamas on a crisp cool day to work? Glorious.

Don’t forget to get your cute outfit together for the “blouse over dress” challenge and email it to me at

I can’t wait to see what you come up with!