Monthly Archives: June 2014

What to Wear in the Months after Having a Baby

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     After you’ve had a baby, you hope to get right back to your old wardrobe, since it’s been so long since you’ve worn anything but maternity clothes. Unfortunately your body won’t bounce right back. Victoria Secret models who wear bikinis on the catwalk six weeks after giving birth are either aliens, bionic or total liars. You’ll often look pregnant right after having a baby and for a while after. It’s almost like your body is working backwards. It feels like you’re shrinking at the same rate at which you grew. Here are some tips to help as you adjust in size. (continue reading..)

Drugging Myself

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Here are two random things I’ve been thinking about:

1.) I am pretty sure that while I was not looking and the doctor was mending me after labor in the hospital, she must have put a beanbag in my stomach. That’s the only way I can explain the total squishiness that is my abs right now.

2.) I am such a light sleeper and once I’m awake, I am up for good. This doesn’t bode well for someone with a newborn having to wake up every three hours. So I’m thinking…would I be able to keep a bottle of chloroform next to my bed and sniff it after every feeding to knock myself out? Kidding!

That Sounds Painful

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(Earrings and Shoes: Plato’s Closet  Shirt and Camisole: Old Navy  Jeans: Old Navy Maternity)

So apparently my middle son has inherited my flare for drama and slight hypochondria.

Here is something I overheard him say the other day:

“My arm hurts because my bone is trying to stick out of my skin. Stay in there, bone!”

I was freaked out a little at first, but when I looked at him he was fine. Yowza.