Monthly Archives: May 2015

Happy birthday, baby!

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My youngest turns 1 today.

It’s hard to believe that it’s already been a year and yet I can barely remember a time when we didn’t have him. He has so perfectly fit into our family and his brothers utterly adore him.

He has the sweetest smile…


and the loudest scream…


big, blue eyes full of independence and curiosity…


and he scrunches his nose when he giggles (so, so glad I caught this on film).


It has been an absolute joy to get to know my littlest buddy this past year and I can’t wait to see his independent and determined personality grow.

Hablo Espanol

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(Necklace: thrifted  Shirt: boutique shop  Dress: thrifted  Shoes: Old Navy)

I took honors Spanish in high school and then two years in college. There was a time that I used to speak Spanish pretty well, but it is crazy how quickly you lose it when you don’t use it. Living in Southern California, Spanish is everywhere, so it would be really convenient if I was able to beef it up again. So…I am planning on taking Spanish next semester at my local community college in the Fall. Anyone wanna join me?

Rainy Days

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(Necklace: Plato’s Closet  Shirt & Pants: clothing exchange  Shoes: thrifted)

It is raining in San Diego today. Lord knows we need the water. It has been total drought conditions around here, so much so that my grass is turning brown because we can’t water it lest we pay a giant water bill. I love days like today, although it makes me just want to curl up at home with a blanket and a book, not be at work actually being productive.

Happy Friday!