Category Archives: Maternity

What to Wear in the Months after Having a Baby

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     After you’ve had a baby, you hope to get right back to your old wardrobe, since it’s been so long since you’ve worn anything but maternity clothes. Unfortunately your body won’t bounce right back. Victoria Secret models who wear bikinis on the catwalk six weeks after giving birth are either aliens, bionic or total liars. You’ll often look pregnant right after having a baby and for a while after. It’s almost like your body is working backwards. It feels like you’re shrinking at the same rate at which you grew. Here are some tips to help as you adjust in size. (continue reading..)

Home Stretch

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(Sunglasses: Ross-Fossil  Shirt & Beaded Necklace: consignment store  Gold Necklace: Cookie Lee  Skirt: GAP  Shoes: Ross-Naturalizer)

Well, my friends, I am in the home stretch. The light can be seen at the end of the tunnel. I have FIVE days until my due date (May 24th) and I am trying to be calm about it. For some reason, I’ve been a bag of nerves about this delivery, which makes absolutely no sense since I’ve had two perfectly normal, fairly quick labors already. If you are the praying kind, I desire your prayers for me as I deal with these anxieties and as our family is going to be a whole person larger in (most likely) less than a week. Can’t wait to post some baby pics up for y’all!

Poetry And Other Useless Things

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(Scarf: Ross  Sunglasses: Charming Charlie  Dress: Old Navy Maternity  Shoes: Nordstroms (Seychelles))

Let’s go back in the day to 1996, when I was in 10th grade Honors English and we were required to write poetry for an assignment. Well, being the stubborn Scottish girl that I am, I flat out refused. This probably wasn’t the best idea seeing as it got me kicked out of Honors, but I just couldn’t bring myself to understand poetry, let alone write a poem (unless they wanted something like “The fat cat and the rat sat on the mat”). Poetry didn’t make any sense to me. I wish someone would have told me then that music lyrics are a form of poetry because THAT makes sense to me. Back when my husband and I started dating, he would text me music lyrics, but I totally thought he was writing me poetry and you can’t believe how absolutely talented I thought he was. Ha! If I could go back to my sophomore year, I would have turned to the musicians for help writing that dumb assignment and maybe would have kept my lazy butt in Honors for the rest of my high school career. Blerg.