Monthly Archives: April 2012

Fashion Friday

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What Not To Wear

In the past, I have made some not so smart fashion decisions. I’d like to share the things I’ve learned with you, so that you can NOT make the mistakes I’ve made. I definitely hung my head in shame and laughed at myself as I looked back at these awful pictures. You live and learn. I wonder what I’m doing now that will mortify me in the future.

What was I thinking?!! Oh, sweet, gullible 9th grader. Why did no one set you straight and give you some advice? This fashion no-no should be left to European tourists.

This dress I wore to my freshman Homecoming dance was sooooo bad (although my mother still strongly disagrees) that the boy I danced with that night, still remembered it in detail our senior year…and not in a good way. Yikes.

I’m seriously considering pressing charges against my mother for letting me out of the house like this. Yuck. Sweats should only be for lounging around the house and working out. And construction boots are for construction workers and you don’t see me building any houses, so I have no idea why I owned them. Epic fail.

There is a fine line between fashionable and ultra-slutty when it comes to wearing a mini dress. More often than not, I think people’s mini dresses veer towards the latter. Fortunately this dress was a costume I wore in a show and nothing I CHOSE to wear, so you can’t blame me for this one or call me any names. 😉

Let’s just leave these shirts to retired men over the age of 65. I guess it totally figures that I borrowed this shirt from my dad.

I don’t care if this trend is coming back in style, I will never agree with it. I think it is inappropriate to show off your belly, even if you are five years old or have a rockin’ killer model body. Bleh. Oh, and did you notice that I was sporting mom jeans? Double gross.

Turtlenecks are…okay, but then to go and pair them with overalls?! In fact, if you still own any overalls and you’re not a farmer, go ahead and burn them. Looking back at my photo album from high school, in about 85% of the pictures, I was wearing overalls. Boy, was I clueless.

I am the biggest advocate for color, but too much of a good thing is…too much. Also, someone should have warned me about mixing my patterns. Ha!

And don’t forget, no one looks good with a sunburn, so always remember to wear sunscreen. 🙂

Here’s what I wore this week:

Happy Friday!

Fashion Friday

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Real Talk

For the past week, I have been exhausted. Not the kind of tired caused by staying up too late (although I did that too), but the kind of tired that makes Rip Van Winkle’s sleep super appealing (a fifty-year nap-oh yeah!). It’s super annoying because I feel like I have no energy to do anything.

Unfortunately, my personality and my life doesn’t let me stop, so I keep doing my normal daily routine, but with my eyelids half shut. Or one eye open and the other closed.

Luckily enough, shopping is one of my “daily routines” (much to my husband’s displeasure), so they haven’t forgotten my name at the local Goodwill. 😉

Here are a list of my favorite places to shop:

Plato’s Closet-Duh. This store is amazing, but warning, you find such good deals and great stuff that you might end up buying more than you planned.

Ross-I go more for the shoe section than the clothes. I find that the Vista one (if you’re local) is better than either Escondido ones.

Goodwill-The Escondido one is two stories and the second story is their “boutique”. Honestly, I think they just call the upstairs that so they can justify charging a bit more, but there are still insanely amazing finds (H&M leather jacket for only $20!) on both floors and none of their prices could be considered expensive.

La Tienda Thrift Store-This two-story thrift store in San Clemente is my absolute favorite. I seriously make the forty-five mile trip JUST to shop at that store. They sell furniture, home stuff and lots of clothes. One time I found two pairs of Rainbow sandals in excellent condition for $2 each!!

Poway Thrift Stores-There is a strip mall full of great thrift stores (off Poway Road, just past Carriage Rd) that range from sorta junky to vintage/antiques. Totally worth checking out, especially if you have time just to mill around.

Thrifty Threads-This resale store in Encinitas is small, but packed full of trendy finds. Make sure to bring cash because they don’t take cards.

Target-I love to scour through their clearance sections, especially when I was buying maternity clothes. If I find something I like at full-price, I wait patiently for it to make its way to the discounted rows. I also subscribe to “Target Daily Deals” (totally free!) and have gotten a lot of cool, on sale things shipped free to my house.

Old Navy-I usually shop online, which is sooooo dangerous. It’s easier to stalk things online and wait for them to go on sale. I love just about anything from this store.

Lands End Canvas-This is the younger division of Lands End. They have really cute things, similar to JCrew and once discounted are not too expensive. Also, if you sign up for emails, they will send you extra coupons/discounts.

I realize a couple of these stores are only for local San Diegans, but I suggest that you explore the area you live in for great little resale/thrift/consignment stores. If you find one you like, go ahead and ask the owner what stores they like because I’m 95% sure they will have an opinion. And don’t forget to continually return to that store because resale stores are constantly restocking, so consistency is key. Most of all, have fun and make every shopping trip an adventure!

Happy Friday!

Fashion Friday

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Spring Break & An Ode to My Cousin

This week I’ve been on spring break, which means my brain is on a completely different schedule. All week, I’ve had completely no idea what day it is. Thank goodness for the calendar on my iPhone dinging me and reminding me that I have things to get done, etc. Fortunately, I remembered enough to take pictures of my outfits, although I forgot a couple days. You can tell that I wore jeans a whole lot more than normal. My focus was being comfy, lazy and hanging with my kids.

When I was growing up, I never went clothes shopping. I grew up with six older girl cousins, who lived not far from me, so I always got to wear their hand-me-downs. Thankfully their fashion taste wasn’t completely awful, so I didn’t mind too much. I still LOVE getting hand-me-downs and making a used piece my own.

My cousin, Emily, is two years older than I am. When we were younger, I idolized her. She seriously could do no wrong in my eyes, except that she wanted nothing to do with me (but isn’t that always how it is with younger cousins/siblings?!). Emily was super interested in fashion/beauty, which no one else in my family cared much about. She was the only one I knew that got giddy over clothes, like me. She had her own style and could make anything work.

Now that we are in the same stage of life -both mothers of younger children, home owners, working moms- we have become great friends. I am so thankful for Emily’s lead in not saying, “Oh, I don’t think I could wear that”, but making anything work regardless of what people would say. She completely OWNS an outfit and always looks put together. We thrift store shop together and enjoy making possible outfits out of the clothes that we find. Emily has a completely different style than I do, but I LOVE her artistic eye and confidence.

This post is my giant thank you letter to Emily for unknowingly guiding me to find my own style and giving me the confidence to take care of myself (she’s a size 0!) and care about what I look like, no matter how tired or overwhelmed by life I am. She is an eBay master shopper & I still LOVE getting her hand-me-downs (especially on the rare occasion when they fit me!). Such a beautiful person, inside & out and I am so happy to call her my cousin AND friend. Love you, Emily.

Who is your inspiration?

This was my Easter dress. Check below for the great deal I got on it.

Proof that those amazing deals are out there! Brand new with tags still on! I was extremely stoked it was in my size!!!

Happy Friday!