Rainy Days

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(Necklace: Plato’s Closet  Shirt & Pants: clothing exchange  Shoes: thrifted)

It is raining in San Diego today. Lord knows we need the water. It has been total drought conditions around here, so much so that my grass is turning brown because we can’t water it lest we pay a giant water bill. I love days like today, although it makes me just want to curl up at home with a blanket and a book, not be at work actually being productive.

Happy Friday!

Waiting Game

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(Dress: thrifted  Necklace: Plato’s Closet  Shoes: clothing exchange)

I just sat down and counted the calendar. I have 30 working days left until summer. Last week was teacher appreciation week. I laughed that it always happens to fall right when teachers have hit their limit. I am totally done. Feel like I’ve hit a wall and now have to army crawl to the finish line. Just gotta keep chanting “I think I can, I think I can…” although I’m not so sure I can. I’ve got my summer bucket list written out and can’t wait to start crossing things off of it.


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(Necklace: veryjane.com  Shirt: clothing exchange  Skirt & Sandals: thrifted)

We have been in our house for almost seven years. Five of those years were spent gloriously ant free, but since last summer, we have been under attack. We put spray and poison out and it works for a couple days, but they always seem to come back with stronger and more persistent troops. The other day I woke up and my floor was literally black from their coverage. I’m starting to think the only way to combat them is to burn my house down. Ugh. Any tips or tricks? Although I feel like we’ve tried all of them…